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Spring Aboard

Spring Aboard 2019

March 17th - 23rd, 2019

What is Spring Aboard?
The annual Spring Aboard campaign informs and motivates boaters to prepare for the boating season by providing information on how to enroll in a boating knowledge or skills based education course. The campaign combines the efforts of boating education course providers, nonprofits, manufacturers, retailers and local, state and federal entities involved in recreational boating safety.

When is Spring Aboard?
The Spring Aboard campaign is a nationally coordinated effort that aims to get boaters educated in boating safety before the boating season begins. The campaign facilitates a weeklong heightened awareness component of the year-round campaign, and takes place March 17-23, 2019 when many course providers are offering discounts or other incentives for students who enroll or complete a boating safety education course.

Who is coordinating Spring Aboard?
Spring Aboard is coordinated by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA), in partnership with the U.S. Coast Guard as well as participating partners.

What is NASBLA?
The National Association of State Boating Law Administrators is a national nonprofit organization that helps to develop public policy for recreational boating safety. NASBLA represents the recreational boating authorities of all 50 states and the U.S. territories. Visit for more information.

What can I do as a recreational boater to get involved?
NASBLA encourages boaters to Spring Aboard by enrolling in a boating education course March 17 - 23. Boaters are urged to partake in these courses (both classroom and on-water) which meet national standards.

On the Spring Aboard website, you can find more information about this national campaign and where to take these safe boating courses. During the Spring Aboard period there will be multiple discounts for these courses for boating students to utilize.

What is a “Featured Partner”?
Featured Partners will receive extra promotion online in exchange for offering an elevated incentive, for individuals who register/complete a boater education course or who show proof of having a boater education certificate, the day you are featured.

How much does it cost to participate in Spring Aboard?
There is no cost to participate in the Spring Aboard campaign. All states and course providers are welcome to participate and to help spread awareness of the importance of boater education.

Is there any additional funding for this campaign?
NASBLA receives grant funding from the Sport Fish Restoration & Boating Trust Fund, administered by the U.S. Coast Guard, for national boating safety activities of national nonprofit public service organizations.

For more information:
Spring Aboard:
Spring Aboard Facebook:
Spring Aboard Twitter:
Spring Aboard Instagram:
USCG Boating Safety Division: