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How to Apply

Go to the website referenced below and you will find current information on any openings at our Communication Centers in Williston or Westminster.

For full-time positions, go to the Vermont Human Resources Career Center. Here you will find information on How to Apply, Job Posting Board, and Online Application.

VSP Dispatcher and monitorsCheck the Job Posting Board on a regular basis. When Emergency Communications Dispatcher positions are posted, you may apply if it is in the geographical area you are interested in. Should you experience problems with the Human Resources web site, you should contact them at the information below:

Department of Human Resources
Recruitment Services
103 State St, 5th Floor
Montpelier, VT 05620-2505 
During business hours (Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST) call toll free 855.828.6700 (voice) or 800.253.0191 (TTY/Relay Service).

After applying online, your application will be reviewed to determine that you meet the minimum qualifications. If you meet the minimum qualifications your name will be placed on a hiring roster. When there are vacancies at either of the two centers, your name will be included on a hiring certificate that is sent to the hiring officials at the Department of Public Safety. The hiring officials will screen the applications to determine which applicants will move on to the next step in which you will be required to take the CritiCall Test which includes a typing/keyboarding module. CritiCall is a computer based software program to test the applicant on the computer and other job related skills.

Upon successful completion of the CritiCall test with a passing score of 80, and achieving a minimum 35 words per minute on the typing/keyboard module, qualified applicants will be interviewed by a hiring panel. Both the CritiCall test and the interview are generally held at the Vermont State Police Office of Professional Development located in Pittsford, Vermont.

If you are interested in part-time employment in our emergency communication centers, you should contact the PSAP Administrator in the area you are interested in working.

If you would like additional information, or if you have questions, please email our Emergency Communication Training Coordinator:

Emergency Communications Training Coordinator

Training Coordinator Michelle HuntMichelle Hunt
Office of Professional Development
317 Academy Road - West Cottage
Pittsford, VT 05763