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Use of Force Data Dashboard

Use of force data: 2018-2022

As the Vermont State Police continues our ongoing efforts to fully illuminate the scope of operations, enhance transparency, and provide operational and public safety data to Vermonters with increasing scope and volume, the Vermont State Police is publishing (annually) all data related to the use of force in responses. While uncommon — force is used in about 0.3% of incidents that VSP responds to annually — these are important events to report on. This data has historically been shared publicly with lawmakers and others, but in recent years we have begun publishing interactive versions. They are available below.

Some notes on the information:

  • A use of force incident can involve multiple troopers and one subject, or in rare incidents multiple subjects and one trooper.
  • An "incident" represents a single location at a single time, involving one or more troopers and one or more subjects.
  • The dashboards are interactive. Click on a day of week, force type, etc., for additional information.
  • The dashboards can be expanded to full screen. Click the arrows on the bottom right of each dashboard.
  • Data for the previous year typically will be released in the summer of the following year.
  • This page was updated most recently on January 28th, 2025.