The largest of the three divisions within the State Police, the Field Force or Uniform Division is also the most visible. The division operates from ten Field Stations throughout Vermont, from which our uniformed Troopers provide law enforcement services to approximately 200 towns, 90 percent of the land mass and 50 percent of the population of Vermont. Our patrol responsibilities also include nearly 320 miles of interstate highways. Each VSP station around the state has at least one Crisis Specialist embedded with the troops.
The Field Force Division manages all VSP Special Teams which provide a wide variety of specialized services. In addition to being available to the department, these services are provided to all federal, county and local law enforcement agencies in Vermont.
Another special unit with the division is the Traffic Safety Team, which focuses on managing traffic safety programs in partnership with county and local law enforcement agencies as well as the Governors Highway Safety Program. This unit is also responsible for promoting highway safety education and conducting specialized enforcement throughout the state .
The Recreational Enforcement Unit manages Vermont’s Recreational Boating Safety program. The unit promotes marine and snowmobile safety through education and enforcement.